Friday, March 5, 2010

Links to election data for California

The next Statewide Primary Election is on June 8, 2010 and then the big day will probably be a chilly Nov. 2, 2010.

So, it's time to begin the studying, the research about who we are potentially going to be electing and how this person and their background, opinions, and goals for the future, will effect us all.

Here in Kern County we have some role changing as Assemblywoman, Jean Fuller, will be grabbing her suitcases and moving over to the Senator's seat, Roy Ashburn, who is terming out this year, to make a run for it.

But Fuller has some interesting opponents in her own party to defeat before she moves on to the democratic opposition.

Fuller has been visible and accessible to the people of the Kern River Valley, the home of the elder abuse case which rocked our rocks up here. Fuller has said in the past she supports all efforts to keep the hospital not only open and functioning, but growing services which fit the community.

If she were to be elected to Ashburn's seat, she would have the ability to bring even more leverage for the rural community that is lost amongst so many other, larger, prospects which contain bigger voting bases.

But the KRV is known as conservate central, but there is a diversity up here in the valley which would like to see change for reasons other than voting for one party or another.

The following links will give you the head start for elections upcoming.

And on the California Secretary of State website much information can be found which may help those needing to register or who are running for office.

The website lists the key dates for this year's election:

So, let's begin...

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