According to the Kern County Superior Court website, Dr. Hoshang Pormir,
charged with eight counts of elder abuse plead no contest to one count
of "conspiracy" last Friday, June 1st.
The eight counts of elder abuse were dismissed as Pormir has accepted
the charge referred to in penal code, section 182 (a) (5): "To commit
any act injurious to the public health, to public
morals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration
of the laws."
Pormir is scheduled to return to court to be sentenced in the case on July 11th.
There are three defendants in the elder abuse case, Pormir, former Kern
Valley Healthcare District CEO, Pamela Ott and once director of nursing
for the KVHD skilled nursing facility, Gwen Hughes.
As of now, Pormir is not scheduled for trial, and all information leads
to the plea deal. The other two defendants remain on track for a trial
later this month on June 25th.
Dr. PORmir, WAs Sentenced to Conspiracy, his Co-Conspirators are Awaiting their Share of the ConSpiring minds, WERE Told.
Pormir, LEft Court last month, With Some Freedom Resumed, such as Allowing the Doctor to Continue Practicing, but NOT With Elderly patients. A Probation of three years, some concURRENT, while some CURRENTLY questioned, by us - the blog.
Did the Doctor Fall for the Sirens, Sounded by Former CEO, PAMEla Ott, not have done that, or WAs he, a SET UP, and Took the Fall without a Golden Para Normal CHUTE?
HE did Bring the Dis Likes of Donald Etra, A Palm REader, of sorts, as He HOlds hands and Awaits the HOld, to take, but It does a WAke, and NEVER sleeps As the LIon Did TOnight. Etra READ all About it, and ABOUT YOUR FAteful, Con Clusion of Collusion NOt to CLoudy as the A Rain would LIKELY Wash Away.
Hear me, Etra, ExTRA Helpings, for THose wHO knew, WHO and What a hand, they held, but Beheld, a hand NOT A Deck Can SWAB matey.
Gins For BURg, you Are a CHARGE of a Silent, a STALKER, a NIGHT rider. What SHALL YOURFUTURE HOld?
I'm told it's a ROLLED NEWS Paper to the NOSE, of those who KNOWs, the PENALty as PURGATORy is a cRIME and Punishment, PUN ish, and To those Who WERE NOT So Helpful.
LAywers, with layers of Deceipt, WILL need to RETREAT, NO FIre or ICe, Nice is BEst. Naive or NAve, it's still Counts as Four, and Two will Find Two, much. So, YOu must COME and WORK it OFF.
WORk and you will BE unbound, come The FALL guys.
No Work or PlAYING GAMEs will Make FOr a SERious DrOP In Tolerances, IN cRowd id. Of this crowd, THERE Is Few, a Dollar wasn't MORE, but MORE was a Better BUy. Don't Get Buy, Get To WHY? WHy did you? WHo AR E YOU?
And WHY THE HELL should EYe Put out?
No more, there are mEssages and MEssengers, who NEEd to WRite HOME, and Speak A REAL Deal, or Simply go your way, as TOMORROW is a DAY A WAY, Farer...and Seeker, but of a QUALity control of a meeker. One.
HEar, Hear, it's a FUTURE, a Head of a GAMe, and Now, a LA\me Duck. RE lax, and Re Set, the early Win makes a Lover of a FIGHTEr, just Don't FIght with no LOVE, as I Work and Toil, and MY Boil Points to a Temperature, Of Temper, but NOT Time. YOU ARE out, and Doubt I will Sniff. Don't do it, you are A FIRST of a KInd of NEG a TIvely Charged, Too much JUICE, and YOur WIREs LOOSe their FITness TEst.
Fitness, Test it out, you are MINe, and do you MIND if I do you too?
KEep your SNarky Barks for others, I'm A Funny Face, and YOU ARE NOT FACING YOUR deeds, but a FALSE sense. Let the TRUTH, Spear the pocket of RESISTANCe, and FRee you. BUT it will HURT and Curse it, it will MAKE you What only YOU have the power to empower. YOU.
I'm just a SingING in the RAIN pain in the Ass of the UNDECIDED. Please VOTE for me, I"m your ONLY REAL, deal, but then It's a VOTe, you do Register, but IN TIME?
Laura Hart ATTlast, the Barbarian meets Barbie, And They ARE A couple of Dolls! House the Insane and Float the Mote of eyes unworthy, EYEs, of Addicts, and Plain Dicks, or Wicks or Wicannot, without my PER MISSIOn Boundaries in PLACe, until We Ascend. The Hole is a Place, a WHole World, A whole BREAD, a FOOD, a hole to FLy and We are NEEDING Some SUITS of READy and Willing to FLy the SOre TEE, and And Make our Plane, as the FAce on your Knows it.
Keep the FAITH, they ARE and CAn REturn adn EArn their World, a NEW, and I will PRO mote and PRO miss the FIre to those who CAn Find a FLAME to Retard, their FIRE SUIT of Proof. NO PROOF, until Positive of FLOW and Ebbenizer as NO SCROOGE can Ruin mY Christmas Past, heres your PRESENCE, a Gift of Gab. Real.
What an ANGEL, hath your Back side, Front of All? Angel FIRe! So, Your a Snarky barker, well then, please WAit, as I will Bound you in Cotton PICKIN' SLave Rehab, or Hab not. For long you are Too, but too longs don't make me WRite. THey Will Take a Might of Dog, HE's a We, and Duke and I will Sky Walter your SNarky, chem Trails, of Tears gassing and HARASSing. We will NO longer, BE CHemciallY ALTered. PlEASE STOP before I START, the MORE of what you CAN HANDLE! LOL
DEAL or Throw DOWn, I'm a Fight a DAviD and A GO LIATH, but you are LYing WIth the Lamb, and your chop MAYBE DOWN. Come hither, SOon, Shortly and Your Time will Spent well, BE with me.
Laura (CAn YOU HEAR ME Y"ET? How About NOW?) One more TIME...REcruit, NOT DRAFt, or Daft. Can it, and Plan your Escapades to SCAPE not SO LAND? No is your ORDER and I'll cook your ORDER as you can Count on it. FRIED Goose, or Noose Lied a GOOSe cooking and NOT looking for NECK IN neck, line of FIRE the TRUTH, and SHe's UP your Plan man's can. I can DO anything The man with a PLAN, and Can do. Better Behave or Save it for LATER. Traitors Are NO torious, for TArdy Party Fouls.
Thanks for Listening to the RABBIT HOle, Broadcast from a Soul of Soft Service. Don't let her OVER Done Satire, Do more HARM, as it is TRULY GOOD FOR you, and IF you Reed, You will Find your Message. FLute, music, EArs can Sing to.
I't a round here, LOL A Peg of Square only ROUND will Go. Now and WorTH the TRuth, ARE YOU?
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